Found this on my car this morning. Then I discovered that my big cooler was missing (the one with a quart of orange juice in it).
Now, this is entirely my fault. There are plenty of bear warnings posted around this campground. I did not think that a bear would have any interest in orange juice, or be able to smell orange juice, in a an unopened plastic container, inside a hard plastic cooler. I did not think that a bear would pull that cooler out from underneath the camper, where I had wedged it. Or do all of that while we slept (Russ woke up, probably as the bear was already leaving. It scarcely registered with me.)
The most important words in the paragraph above are I DID NOT THINK.
I can replace my cooler, and the orange juice inside. That bear may now be in danger of losing his life, because of my ignorance.
Some lessons are harder learned than others.