So I finally make it to Colorado, and what’s the first thing I do? Get my vehicles stuck up to the axles in mud. What looked like a perfectly reasonable dirt road turned out to be nothing but a mud pit (Note to self: do NOT trust Colorado dirt roads, especially after a rain.).

What I was TRYING TO DO was to kill some time by birdwatching before I showed up at the church which was kindly allowing both of us to stay overnight. What I DID was get hopelessly stuck trying to get to the lake south of town, which turned out NOT TO EXIST anymore (Google maps, take note!). Since the only contact information I had was for the church pastor, I called him, hoping he would tell me who to call for a tow. I was NOT expecting him to say ”Well, I guess that would be me. Wait a few minutes and I’ll be there.” Tiny towns in eastern Colorado do not have towing services—they have helpful neighbors with four-wheel pickups.

No, I did not take pictures. Imagine me covered in thick clay to the knees, and you get the idea. The pastor was unbelievably gracious about the whole thing, and, once we made it back to the church, proceeded to give me a tour and offer me whatever I needed. He even told me how he’d gotten stuck once. A Good Samaritan, indeed!