Friday, and time for one last hike around Eastridge Campground. I chose to head out on Canyon Rim, then cut over to Twisted Cistern, and finally head back on Dark Side of the Moon. A perfect day for hiking, sunny but with a cooling breeze. The boys trotted happily along.

Saw several birds along the way: hummingbirds—broad-tailed and black-chinned are both common in CO, but I could never get one to hold still long enough to identify. Spotted towhees are everywhere, and one of the few birds that seem comfortable sitting out in the open. They look just like our eastern towhees: black back and head, chestnut sides, white belly, but their backs are spotted with white. I saw my first sage thrasher! I’m no expert on flycatchers (notoriously hard to identify, especially the Empids), but given the habitat and the size of the bird, I’m pretty sure I saw an Ash-Throated Flycatcher. Sitting bolt upright, with a crown of brown feathers that look like they’ve been spiked with mousse, distinct wing bars—yep, I’ll say Ash-Throated.
Prickly pear cactus flowers are really starting to come out. While not as striking as the deep red barrel cactus flowers, they range from a pure lemon yellow to a yellow touched with peach or red, to a pale peach.

And I spotted some new flowers!

Tomorrow (Saturday) I’m off to Elliot Creek Campground, on the Green Mountain Reservoir, just outside of Heeney, CO.
Goodbye, Cañon City and Royal Gorge. It’s been wonderful!