On the way to Harriman, I spotted a sign for Bannack Ghost Town. On a whim, I stopped—and found one of the more fascinating historic sites along our trip. Bannack was a gold boom town in the second half of the 1800s, but declined soon after 1920 and was virtually abandoned by mid-century, although a few residents remained until the 1970s. The remaining buildings have been preserved, and parts of some buildings restored, but most are as they were left.

You could explore any building that was unlocked, although I stepped back hastily off more than one sagging floor. In quite a few cases, there were fragments of old wallpapers dating back to the late 1800s. I love old cemeteries, so of course we had to hike up the hill to the original cemetery, where you could see the whole town laid out below you. And they provided you with an illustrated guidebook, giving the history of the buildings that still exist, along with a general history of the town and surrounding areas.

Mom, we’re tired!

Then it was time to head to Hamilton.