Just outside of Glendive, on the eastern edge of Montana, lies Makoshika State Park, and i am here to tell you, if nothing else, this was the most spectacular view from a campsite of the whole trip!

But there was a LOT else to Makoshika—amazing badlands formations and an awesome trail network. Before I decided on the picture I did, I nearly bought anither watercolor by Deb Schmit of Makoshika, and I was determined to see what she saw. Words can not do this place justice, so I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Russ and I took two short hikes, one to see the natural bridge, and then Moe and I headed out on a longer trail that snaked through the heart of the park back to our campsite, while Russ took the car and Scooby back. We both nearly died in the heat, and Russ had to come pick me up in the car only half a mile from camp because I could no longer walk, but it was TOTALLY WORTH IT.