It’s funny how the landscape can change suddenly from one state to another. All across North Dakota, you are clearly in the prairie, but almost as soon as you hit Minnesota, BAM! You’re in thick deciduous woodlands.
It’s not ALL woodlands, of course—driving through central Minnesota toward Wild River State Park, on the St. Croix River, I passed through dairy farms that, except for the huge, marshmallow-shaped hay bales (none of those wimpy little rectangles for western ranchers) and the occasional sightings of sandhill cranes, could almost have been in the Lebanon Valley of Pennsylvania where I grew up.
Also, the spring and summer flowers have now transitioned to the asters, goldenrod, thistles, and coneflowers of fall. Through the dry plains of Montana and North Dakota, there weren’t many flowers, but now they are back in profusion along the roadsides.
It was raining and late in the afternoon when I got to Wild River State Park, so it wasn’t until the next day that I got to explore. The dogs and I set out on the Walter Mondale River Trail (when was the last time you heard THAT name?), and that’s when I discovered that Minnesota is LOADED with mushrooms! I spied two good-sized clusters of Bear’s Head mushrooms (much like Lion’s Mane, which I mistook them for—thanks, Sandy, for correcting me). Those I took back to camp, and made a delicious lunch with toasted English muffins on the side. (Bear’s Head have a sweet, nutty taste, almost like cashews.) They have chicken of the woods here, too, although the only ones I’ve found so far were already harvested.

They also have lots of delicate maidenhair ferns.

The sun peeked out just as we got to the river, and the birds appeared for a bit—lots of goldfinches feeding on thistles and sunflowers, and one lone Myrtle warbler darting about in the canopy. Interestingly, the bugs don’t seem nearly as bad as at the last campsite. Maybe the rain has dampened their enthusiasm for my blood!
With the sun came two very tame deer who are regulars at the campground. Everyone calls them Bambi and Baby Buck (he barely has four points). Even Moe barking at them doesn’t faze them. They can usually be seen at breakfast and dinner time, wandering through the campsites.

Russ appeared on day three and then spent a day tuning up his bike, on a thoughtfully provided bike stand and maintenance station, complete with tools. That day, I had to move to a different site (not far away). The evenings are becoming cooler, so we foraged for firewood and had a nice little campfire that night.
Then Russ was off again, and the boys and I hit the trails for our last day.
Don’t you love a walk in the green woods?

The longest trails run alongside the river, though it can be hard to see through the trees. Lots of geese are coming and going along the river.
Back at camp, I met some neighbors and their dogs—Doug and his adorable black and white cocker spaniel named Milo, and Rick, with an English Setter named Darcy! (“MR. Darcy,” Rick said—“My wife is a librarian.”) I told him to tell his wife she was awesome.
Tomorrow is another new state—Wisconsin!