All the way down, I said ”I better see ponies!” And…..

But maybe I should start at the beginning:

Russ and CK decided to scale back the first day’s riding, given that it was 28 degrees out and threatening rain. So an early start, to drive an hour south to Woodland Beach, DE, where Erin and I saw the boys off.

Russ and I ready to start. Thought I’d catch the nuclear power plant, too.

And a good thing, too, because Russ immediately discovered that his helmet strap catch was broken. Got the spare helmet out of my car. Half an hour later, I had just reached the entrance to Bombay Hook Wildlife Refuge when I got a call from CK. Russ’s tire had a cut in the sidewall. Could I come back with the spare? Thank goodness they at least made it across the causeway to Woodland Beach, because by that time the tide had come in and the road was under water until the tide went out again.

By the time all was fixed, I decided to head straight for Assateague and save Bombay Hook for another trip. (I have been there, and highly recommend it.) Made it to Assateague about 2:30, found my campsite, and was greeted by this:

PONIES!!! This little fellow is the second foal born on Assateague this year, and he’s only three days old. Ain’t he cute? His mom is Autumn Glory, and his dad (not shown) is Assateague Phoenix (who knew they name the horses?) My neighbor had to wait to get back to his tent, because the colt decided to take a nap in the sun right in the middle of his site. You are NOT allowed to approach the horses, even if they are blocking your campsite!

Woke up Thursday to warmer weather (finally), and a fierce wind. Glad I chose the bayside, and not the oceanside, campground! Will post more pictures when I manage to find wifi.

Oh, P.S.: Surprise—there are cacti on Assateague! Poor Scooby found out the hard way. 🤕