Still Acadia. People were leaving the campground in droves Sunday night, when it rained two inches overnight. Russ’s sister Debbie and her husband Lyn arrived Monday, just in time for the clouds to part briefly. It took until today (Wednesday) for the sun to actually appear.

Not all is doom and gloom. The new camper battery seems to be holding its own after charging off the idling car nearly all day. Water still isn’t running properly, but as we have plenty of containers and a tap nearby, that hasn’t been a big problem.

While Russ and the Bixbys are out riding bicycles, the dogs and I go hiking. Twice we’ve headed to the ocean, following trails that skirt the cliffs.

We got as far as Thunder Hole, a natural hollow in the cliffs that makes a satisfying BOOM when the waves hit it right:

And today (Wednesday) I climbed Eagle’s Crag, one of the minor summits, but a good two mile hike out and two miles back. I wasn’t sure Scooby would make it, so I brought the emergency dog carrying backpack, but he made it to the summit and was his usual scampery self on the return trip. He’s slowed down this past year (he IS fifteen, after all), but still a trooper. And he loves the wild blueberries which are starting to ripen.